From Dev-Scene
WinterMute (Homepage)
Dovoto (Homepage)
- libnds - Libnds supports nearly all features of the Nintendo DS including: touch screen, Microphone, 3D hardware, 2D hardware, and 802.11b Wi-Fi using Sgstair's dswifi lib.
- DS Tutorials - From über nub to elite hacker in 20 minutes or less...guaranteed.
Chishm (Homepage)
- NDSMP - GBAMP NDS Firmware Hack.
- libfat - FAT I/O Library.
- DLDI - Dynamically Linkable Disc Interface.
- Firmware Unpacker - Decrypts and Decompresses the DS firmware.
- Nitro Hax - Action Replay DS Clone.
Sgstair (Homepage)
- DS Wifi Lib - 802.11 Wifi impelementation library.
- DSTunnel - Tunnelling Nifi games over the internet!
- Wiire - Wii Reverse Engineering.
Sgstair has declined to receive donations, but urges you to donate to Wintermute instead
Natrium42 (Homepage)
- PassME and PassME2 - Passthrough device
- DSerial2 with Tilt Sensor - Connect your DS!.
- RoboDS - Open robotic platform for NDS.
Natrium42 has declined to receive donations.
0xtob (Homepage)
- NitroTracker - A Fasttracker II style music tracker.
- DSMIDIWiFi - Wireless MIDI over DS.
- DS Sampling Keyboard - Record a sound and play music with it.
LiraNuna (Homepage)
- Tales of Dagur - A fully fledged Homebrew RPG.
- dualSwan - A Bandai WonderSwan / Color emulator.
- Poke Teh Bunny - I dare you to poke the bunny!
- NDS 2D Tutorials.
DragonMinded (Homepage)
- DSOrganize - A fully fledged Homebrew Personal Organizer.
- DrugWars DS - DrugWars text-rpg Clone.
- LibFATDragon/LibDT/LibFB/LibPicture.
JimmyL (Homepage)
- A Touch of War - Advanced RTS with online support.
- Explosive Gas - Be the last man standing (and not on fire).
- Reality Game - Multiplayer cards, chess and reversi.
- CrossPics/Sumdoku - Puzzle game usually known as Picross, Nonograms or Griddlers.
Donation Link - Coming Soon!
GPF (Homepage)
- Duke3DS - Hail to the king, baby!.
- FrodoDS - Frodo "Commodore 64 emulator" Port.
- REminiscenceDS - Port of the Classic Game Flashback.
- YASFCave DS - Yet another SFCave is a clone of the game SFCave.
- SDL for devkitpro - Port of
- XrickDS - Port of Rick Dangerous.
- Robot Finds Kitten DS - Port of robotfindskitten.
Ryan FB (Deathwind) (Homepage)
- PicoDriveDS - Port of Genesis Emulator PicoDrive.
- DLDI-enabled DS BIOS Dumper.
Tassu (Homepage)
- Phidias - A drawing program.
- Whee! DS
- Gioioso! - A Weird Music Game
- Infinite 3D world generator
- Eurotunnel
GrizzlyAdams (Homepage)
- MythRemote - Remote control for MythTV Front-Ends.
- Supercard Patches - Supercard SD / CF _BOOT_SC.NDS Firmware Hack.
Robert Durbin (Homepage)
- Deal or no Deal
- Press Your Luck
- Card Sharks
- Video Poker
- Yahtzee
Donation Link - Coming Soon!