From Dev-Scene
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REminiscence is a rewrite of the engine used in the game Flashback from Delphine Software. This program is designed as a cross-platform replacement for the original executable and uses SDL. Original version by Gregory Montoir.
REminiscenceDS Fork by Sektor.
REminiscence is a rewrite of the engine used in the game Flashback from Delphine Software. REminiscence was coded by Gregory Montoir. This Nintendo DS port was coded by Sektor and uses code from GPF's REminiscence DS port.
- Added a version with GBA_NDS_FAT from picodriveDS 0.1.6. Use this on MMD, EZ4 and SC miniSD. Untested.
- Support for Italian language files.
- Updated libcartreset to 0.72 (fixes return to menu on SC Lite). Return to menu only works on libfat version.
- Level select. You can now scroll through level codes on the password screen. Up/down for skill, left/right for level.
- Sound effects are now working (thanks to GPF's SDL updates)
- Music plays but not very well
- Added Lick's libcartreset to allow returning to M3/SC/GBAMP menu without powering off the DS
- Resources and music are read from /data/flashback/data/ on a compatible media device
- Saves are stored at /data/flashback/
- Improve sound and music playback quality
- Speed up cut scenes and fix cut scene glitches
- Make fonts easier to read (scaling issue)
- Sleep when lid is closed
- Add cheats
You will need the data files from the PC DOS version of the game. Copy the Flashback files to X:\data\flashback\data\ , replace X: with the drive letter of your DS media device.
Official Homepage: http://gtamp.com/DS/
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binaries + source
Categories: Draft | NDS | NDS Games