NDS/Nameless Puzzle Shooter Game
From Dev-Scene
By DumbStart.
I'm working on my first shoot-em-up, with a twist. It's going to be a cross between a standard top down shoot-em-up and a puzzle game. I just started working on it today and decided that I'd post what I've done.
So without further ado I present, nameless puzzle shooter game.
For right now it has some very simple rules. You get points when you shoot the topmost block. You can only score when the box is lit up and it is only lit up when the other two boxes are moving. To stop a box from moving or to start a box moving once again all you have to do is shoot it. The A-button and the L-trigger shoot and the ship moves with the D-Pad or the Stylus.
Official Homepage: Dumbstart Blog
Download: Dev-Scene |
Categories: Draft | NDS | NDS Games