NDS/Twin Isles
From Dev-Scene
By Scott Graham.
Twin Isles is a homebrew Civilization/SimCity/Utopia-style game for the Nintendo DS.
There's a "tip" system to teach you a little about the game and it is recommended that you leave it on for the first few games you play.
There's a few single player modes: - Free Play: Open-ended mode where you're just trying to keep your people happy and grow your population. - Scenarios: Short little "missions" where you're trying to achieve a goal in a certain amount of time (or some other condition). - vs CPU: Make it to 100,000 people first, or destroy the other island to win.
If you have SRAM on your GBA cart you can optionally save a replay of the game to the SRAM when you quit from the pause menu. Replays can be replayed from the Single Player menu. Similarily, you can also save your game from the Pause Menu and load from the Single Player menu later.
Check for new releases at http://h4ck3r.net/.
If you have feedback, or find a bug, drop the author a line at the domain h4ck3r.net with 'twinisles' before the @ sign.
Second release
- Single Player Scenarios
- Techtree has been balanced, new techs added
- War, and Missle Launches
- CPU player to play against
- Save/load functionality
- ... and lots of other minor stuff
Official Homepage: http://h4ck3r.net/
Download: Dev-Scene |
Categories: Draft | NDS | NDS Games