From Dev-Scene
By FireFly.
Using the Wireless Multiboot(WMB) - You can download a .nds file to your DS. This file must have been signed by Nintendo (such as one of the E3 demos) unless you have already installed FlashMe
Requires a Windows PC with a RaLink RT2500 or RaLink RT2560 based wireless network card. Linux drivers are avaiable.
Note: Newer revisions of the DS firmware do NOT allow unsigned code to be booted over Download play (Official signed demos will still work).
There are Official Wifi Demos, which were captured and can now get transfered to an (even unmodded) DS using wmb.
- Added support for Nintendo DS Lite with MAC address 00-16-56-XX-XX-XX (Original DS MAC 00-09-BF-XX-XX-XX).
1.4 BETA 1
- Added support for a seperate multiboot rom header and other multiboot specific information in .nds files.
- Removed the need to assign a unique/different mac address to each entry when broadcasting multiple entries at the same time.
- Added logo/header/banner checksum verification for .nds files.
- Added "-player" parameter to override the player name.
Official Homepage: http://users.belgacom.net/nds/
Download: Dev-Scene |
Categories: Draft | NDS | NDS Releases