From Dev-Scene
By Lupi.
A Zelda game.
Ok, I think it's about time to release a demo. So here it is ;)
I have released this demo for the Z3, a Zelda-themed games for PC expo. They asked me if I could release a demo for it, I was really happy and accepted. For more info about this Z3, visit www.zfgc.com
Known bugs -> Extrange problems with Backgrounds [I have no explanation for it] -> Entering Tutorial level lots of times will cause errors with background .MOD music, it will be likely because the MOD is not compatible with NDS Hardware -> When enemies start their destroy animation they can hurt Link, I'll fix it soon
there must be more, it's just I don't remember
The demo is composed of: -> Start screen, two languages [Spanish - English] and three Link colours, you can change them in Options -> Choose level screen -> A tutorial so you can learn how to play the game -> Three stages for the "Wind element world" and the boss (I plan to add more stages) -> Background music wich can cause problems with the game (very extrange if it happens)
Official Homepage: Lycos.es
Download: Dev-Scene |
Categories: Draft | NDS | NDS Games